Trusts - F.A.Q's

How much can I put in?

Although neither Trust is explicitly structured to avoid Inheritance Tax, it is still possible to do so with careful planning. If Inheritance Tax is a major worry for you, we can help you in assessing your estate. We'll figure out the best tax-efficient strategy for you to consider. The establishment of a Trust is subject to complicated IHT requirements, which we would be pleased to discuss with you. Please keep in mind that you cannot invest more than your lifetime allowance (currently set at £325,000) into the Family Protection Trust, otherwise you will have to pay 20% IHT on the balance.

If you would like to set up a Trust, please don't hesitate to Contact Us

More Trust F.A.Q's

Still unsure?

We'd be happy to discuss Trusts with you further. If you would like a telephone consultation, a home appointment or to visit our office, please contact us.

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What do our customers think?

  • We contacted Shaun who helped with the arranging both my and my wifes wills. He was extremely knowledgeable and professional and made the whole process really straight forward. We would happily recommend him.
    Mrs & Mrs Moore