Wills - F.A.Q's

Why do I need a Will?

Protect your estate – If you die without a Will, the law will decide who gets your hard-earned money and assets. You could also miss out on the planning that can help protect your estate and ensure that your loved ones receive the largest potential legacy.

Protect children and vulnerable others – appoint a guardian, protect a child from a previous relationship or marriage, care for a disabled child, or just postpone the age of inheritance until your child or grandchild is responsible enough to handle a large quantity of money. We can help you make sure your loved ones are taken care of.

Protect your hard earned assets from care fees – One of the most important reasons to make a Will is to ensure that the things you have worked hard for your entire life are not taken away from you when it is possible to avoid it. We can advise you on the correct will to meet your unique circumstances, whether you wish to minimise probate fees, avoid unnecessary local authority means testing, guarantee certain persons don't profit from your possessions, or just want reassurance that you won't pay excessive Inheritance Tax.

Protect your spouse, partner or civil partner – We understand that when you are no longer here, your partner or spouse may be your top concern, but don't fall into the trap of simply leaving everything to each other. By doing so, you are failing to protect and preserve your estate for your children or other loved ones, and your estate may be subject to government means testing as a result of your actions. Accord are experts in Will writing; there are measures available to help ensure your spouse or partner is secured for life, ensuring that hard-earned assets are reserved for the people you care about rather than the tax man!

If you would like to speak with us about arranging your Will, please Contact Us

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What do our customers think?

  • We contacted Shaun who helped with the arranging both my and my wifes wills. He was extremely knowledgeable and professional and made the whole process really straight forward. We would happily recommend him.
    Mrs & Mrs Moore